Sveriges sociologförbund


Resurser för undervisning i sociologi och klimatförändring

Nedan en beskrivning av användbara resurser för sociologer, från våra kollegor i Californien och American Sociological Association (ASA). För mer info, kontakta vår ordförande Åsa Wettergren (

Resources for Teaching the Sociology of Climate Change

(from the Environmental Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association)


Every day brings new evidence that the climate crisis is accelerating. Record heat waves. Record rains and floods, here; weeks, months, years of drought, there. Fires. More powerful hurricanes.

Societal impacts are already serious and will only grow steadily worse in the next decades. Extreme weather will disrupt lives and livelihoods. Crops will fail. Economic damage, already in the billions, will grow. We already see the political consequences of migration, today, in Europe, in the U.S., elsewhere. “Only” tens of millions, today; imagine a billion emigrants when large parts of the Earth become uninhabitable. Imagine the societal impacts that our students will experience, increasing societal dysfunction, protest, civil conflict, all spiraling toward collapse.

Sociology has always been centrally concerned with what we might call “the diagnosis of the problems of modernity.” Climate change is, today, one of the most important, if not the most important, of these problems. As Sociologists we believe that it is our pedagogical duty to teach our students about the world in which they live. Students today are anxious about climate change and we ought to be giving them the conceptual tools to understand what is about to happen to them.

We should be addressing climate change in our classes, not just in Environmental Sociology classes but also in our Introduction to Sociology classes, our Social Problems classes, classes on social inequality, many other courses across the Sociology curriculum.

Your colleagues in the Environmental Sociology section of the ASA have assembled a collection of resources that can help you add the Sociology of Climate Change to your syllabus. You can find those resources at:

Ylva Wallinder